CSMB meets SOLgroup of HU Physics
Dienstag, 04. Februar 2025 // 15.00 - 17.00
CSMB Center for the Science of Materials Berlin
Zum Großen Windkanal 2,
12489 Berlin
Welcome to meet us – the solid state theory group of the Physics Department and the CSMB – on February 4, 2025, starting at 15:00. Come listen to our short overview talks, explore the wide range of research topics presented by our posters, and enjoy snacks and drinks while chatting with our group members who come from all over the world.
We develop methods to compute various material properties from first principles, i.e., without any adjustable parameters. A special focus is on theoretical spectroscopy to explore, e.g., light-matter interaction based on state-of-the-art many-body methodology. All our developments are implemented in our electronic-structure code exciting and the cluster-expansion code CELL. The latter also makes use of artificial intelligence. With all these tools in hand, we investigate structural, electronic, vibrational, and optical properties of 2D materials, oxides, hybrid interfaces, and much more.
Caring also for sustainable research, we make research data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). As such, we develop the data infrastructure NOMAD (https://nomad-lab.eu) as a consortium within the NFDI (Nationale Forschungsdateninfrastruktur). Have a look at FAIRmat, the team behind.
Please, register on: csmb.hu-berlin.de