WINTURE unter den Gewinnern des Startup Bootcamp FoodTech 2017 in Rom
Adlershofs Boreal Light GmbH unter den Top 30 Startups in Deutschland

Boreal Light GmbH with its brand name WINTURE has been selected among the top 9 FoodTech startups in Rome in 2017. That opens the door for many investors to the company as well as finance opportunities and networks.
Dedicated to affordable water treatment supply in low-income off-grid communities of Africa and South America, Winture delivers both hardware to desalinate raw polluted water and to ensure low-cost hygiene drinking and irrigation water for those who need that the most.
Furthermore a team from Forbes Asia visited the company in Adlershof. They chose Boreal Light GmbH as one of the German companies to interview for their special edition on Germany for January 2018. Germany's robust economy has been always a great attraction for the Asian investors.