Inspiring start of Workhier!
The Young Academics Career Programme for International PhD candidates and PostDocs in Adlershof!
On January 30, the Workhier! programme started with the first cohort of 23 young scientists, mainly from the Adlershof campus.
Workhier! is designed to support international doctoral and postdoctoral researchers in STEM fields for a successful shift from science to business in Berlin.
- During a seven months programme, the participants will get structured from experts:
- Guidance in career development & planning,
- Insights of the labor market in the Berlin area,
- Knowledge on how to succeed in hiring processes,
- Expert tips on legal topics as residency laws, unemployment insurance, and pension systems
In addition, the programme strengthens community building through networking opportunities at the peer level and with industry professionals to build sustainable professional networks.
What's special about this career programme?
This initiative is led by different scientific institutions such as Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung- und prüfung in friendly cooperation with partners from business such as WISTA Management GmbH, Arbeitsagentur Berlin-Süd and Berlin-Partner
These institutions have joined them to clarify two important questions:How can we keep international researchers in Berlin after a doctoral or postdoctoral position? Our aim is to build bridges between science and business. We are convinced that we need brilliant international people for a better future.
More information about Workhier!
Rawad Chammas
WISTA Management GmbH
Wissens- und Technologietransfer
+49 170 4433148