Die Zukunft der Arbeit: Lebenslanges Lernen, Werte und Ziele
WISTA-Personalleiterin Bessie Fischer-Bohn sprach auf der IASP-Konferenz in Nairobi zu den Herausforderungen der „Neuen Arbeitswelt“

Die Zukunft der Arbeit befindet sich in einem tiefgreifenden Wandel, der durch globale Herausforderungen und transformative Megatrends gekennzeichnet ist. Wir definieren drei Hauptherausforderungen: Wertewandel, demografischer Wandel, schneller technologischer Fortschritt. Als Antwort darauf müssen wir uns auf einen menschenzentrierten Ansatz konzentrieren und den Menschen als entscheidend für die künftige Entwicklung von Unternehmensgründungen, Forschung und Entwicklung und eine erfolgreiche Unternehmensentwicklung im Allgemeinen anerkennen. Der Schwerpunkt unserer Arbeit sollte auf der Schaffung von Arbeitsumgebungen, der Pflege einer fortschrittlichen Unternehmenskultur und der Einführung effektiver Managementpraktiken mit lebenslangem Lernen über alle Hierarchien hinweg liegen.
Zur Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen bietet der Technologiepark Adlershof spezifische Lösungen, insbesondere die „WISTA-Akademie“ sowie Initiativen und Netzwerke. Die WISTA-Akademie bietet mit ihrem Schwerpunkt auf lebenslangem Lernen maßgeschneiderte Qualifizierungs- und Weiterbildungsprogramme an. Darüber hinaus bieten wir eine Vielzahl von Sommerschulen und Trainingscamps für interessierte Schüler an. Insgesamt fördert der Park Vielfalt, Kreativität, Toleranz und Optimismus, um eine positive Zukunft als Arbeitsumfeld zu fördern und zu entwickeln.
Lesen Sie im Folgenden die gesamte Präsentation von Bessie Fischer-Bohn im englischen Original:
Future of work: Life-long-learning, values and purpose
Executive Summary
The future of work is undergoing significant changes, marked by global challenges and transformative megatrends. We define three main challenges: shifting values, demographic transformation, rapid technological progress. In response we have to concentrate on a human-centric approach, recognizing individuals as crucial for the future development of business start-ups, research and development and successful company development in general. The focus of our work should be on creating working environments, cultivating a progressive corporate culture and implementing effective management practices with lifelong learning over all hierarchies.
To tackle these challenges the park offers specific solutions, in particular the “WISTA Academy” and initiatives and networks. The WISTA Academy, focussing on lifelong learning, offers tailored qualification and training programs. Additionally, we offer a variety of summerschools and training camps for interested pupils. Overall, the park promotes diversity, creativity, tolerance, and optimism to promote and develop a positive future as a work environment.
Current Challenges
We live in times that change quickly and are characterized by megatrends and poly crises. Those intersection of global challenges and transformative megatrends have profund impact on shaping our society and the way we work together. Global crises like climate change, economic crises, wars and health emergencies, coexist with megatrends such as technological connectivity, globalization, individualization and a knowledge culture. The implications of these dynamics are profound, necessitating a vigilant approach from Science and Technology Parks (STPs) and Areas of Innovation (AOIs).
As Germany's largest STP in Berlin our position places us at the forefront of identifying and addressing challenges. In this dynamic landscape our site faces the imperative of adapting to emerging trends and overcoming barriers. From harnessing technological advancements to fostering innovation in the face of societal and economic shifts, our commitment lies in navigating these challenges and shaping a resilient future for the Science and Technology Park in Berlin.
Change in Values
Currently we are experiencing a revolution and an evolution of societal values. As we face multiple challenges and megatrend especially the younger generations are reevaluating established norms, challenging the status quo and demanding some kind of security for their future prospects. This paradigm shift requires from us not only a response to their inquiries but also actively engagement in addressing these changes. This undergoing transformation of traditional norms and values makes it necessary for organizations to reevaluate their missions and values and consequently transform, change or replace them. Simultaneously, society, as a whole, must proactively address significant challenges to foster a sustainable and desirable future. This transformation emphasizes the need for organizations to adapt and align with the evolving expectations to be able to handle the complexities of this changing working environment.
Demographic Development
In the time of demographic shifts in all societies the challenge spreads across national borders. In western industrialized nations clear trends can be seen from these demographic shifts: populations are aging and birth rates are on the decline. This scenario of an aging population and declining birth rates raises pressing questions about the sustainability of the workforce. How are we to adapt to this demographic evolution to ensure sustained economic prosperity? The lack of skilled workers and specialists is no longer just statistics. It is transforming into a strategic concern with far-reaching implications and therefor needs us to actively strategizing solutions.
Effectively tackling this demographic puzzle demands innovative approaches to talent acquisition, retention and lifelong learning initiatives. These initiatives become essential not only to secure a skilled workforce but also to cultivate well-trained specialists capable of meeting the demands of the working environment.
Technological Development
The accelerated speed of technological developments and evolution promotes both: disruption and potential. Human interaction with technology developments is reshaping the way we work in a pace never seen before. The ascendancy of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the expansion and widespread adoption of remote and hybrid work models present both: disruptive forces and unlimited opportunities.
The impact of AI on the work environment and on job roles and the seismic shift towards flexible work arrangements necessitate a proactive response. It goes beyond just adaptation: It requires equipping the workforce with the essential skills for thriving in this digital era. It makes comprehensive education on AI and the creation of inclusive workspaces without discussion. The challenge lies not just in understanding these technological advancements but also in fostering environments that accommodate diverse needs and skills. Empowering individuals through reskilling initiatives becomes imperative, ensuring they have the tools not only to adapt but to actively participate and excel in this ever-evolving technological landscape.
In the face of these three described challenges, shifting values, demographic transformation and rapid technological advancements, Science and Technology Parks (STPs) have to reflect, introspect and develop future-strategies for their customers to help them to consist this dynamic evolution. Our answer for the described challenge is clear: Our focus is on people, recognizing the needs, perspectives and backgrounds of each individual, employee, researcher or founder as important part of the evolved technological surrounding. Our commitment as organizations is clear towards harnessing the innovative power of diversity and developing a culture of openness and tolerance.
In a world characterized by globalization and digitalization the emphasis on people becomes paramount. The "human factor" is not just a consideration; it's a strategic imperative that requires meticulous planning and continuous monitoring. Key facets of this human-centric approach include shaping the working environment and models, cultivating a progressive corporate culture, and implementing effective management practices. Lifelong learning emerges as a cornerstone, acknowledging the need for an ongoing adaptation and skill enhancement in the face of evolving work dynamics.
The Technology Park Adlershof in Berlin, Germany, is distinctive for its composition primarily consisting of small and medium-sized companies. Consequently, securing and developing a skilled workforce stands out as one of the most pressing social issues. As a dedicated business promoter and service provider for the companies within the park, we actively engage in ongoing evaluations to discern the evolving needs of these entities. Our initiatives, such as the Adlershof skilled workers network and cross-company training courses, establishing new learn ecologies for students, exemplify our commitment to facilitating the economic success of businesses within the park. These efforts point out our recognition of the symbiotic relationship between the development of a skilled workforce and the overall prosperity of the Technology Park Adlershof.
Competition for skilled workers
In an increasingly critical "war for talent" due to demographic development, it is essential to gain access to well-trained personnel. Personnel development in the sense of further training and skills development plays an increasingly important role both in retaining existing employees and in attracting new talents.
The change in values of the younger generation must go hand in hand with a change in corporate values.
It is essential that every organization examines its values, visions and goals. Business models must be checked and benefits for the community should be evaluated. Responsibility for society and our planetary foundation are aspects that will play an increasingly important role in the future. Once the organizational culture has been transformed, it is essential to communicate this in a suitable, open and transparent manner.
Employer branding and rebranding plays an important role here. The individual corporate values should be visible and authentic. The company must be given a face and should be recognizable in all its diversity. The value-based younger generation should feel addressed by the purpose of the company.
The employees inside the organization must also be addressed. Appreciation for the contribution they make to the organization is a crucial part of this strategy. Make the employees visible and find out what moves them, what motivates them, what their strengths are and engage them in a dialog. Develop an intern culture that is characterized by openness, tolerance, cross-divisional thinking and working and also increases loyalty to the company. Individual personnel development programs form the basis for developing your own specialists. Competition on the specialist market makes it essential that we qualify our own staff to take on higher-value tasks.
Inspiring and encouraging young talents for innovative learning ecosystems at school
Innovative, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary learning approaches are crucial to successfully mastering current social challenges and enabling students to participate in shaping society in the future. We implement this with the help of various projects:
In this context, the "STEAM Learning Ecologies (SLE)" project is dedicated to the development of extracurricular STEM learning environments to promote mathematical and scientific skills, student motivation and the connection between school, university, society and industry. This provides pupils and students in Adlershof with learning opportunities to get them excited about STEM subjects, test their skills and give them both academic and career guidance.
The topics of learning locations and learning paths as well as the relevance of linking education, business and society play a role in the project. One focus is on the diversity of extracurricular educational opportunities. Structuring and transparency of learning locations and learning paths for students is also necessary. There is no ideal learning path; each path must be individually designed. Educational ecologies are not static but subject to constant change. As part of the project, such individual learning paths are identified and designed that are oriented towards the thinking and planning of children and young people. In addition, educational ecologies must be collected from existing learning locations and structured and transparent communication channels must be developed.
The diverse partnership between schools, universities, companies and research centres on the campus helps to strengthen the link between education and industry. In this way, young talents are prepared in the best possible way for the challenges of the future.
The STEM experience day was designed with the goal of inspiring, educating, and guiding students toward careers in STEM professions. The focus is on making the process of choosing a career a positive and exciting experience for pupils. The event includes various activities such as providing insights into STEM professions through VR glasses, offering study and career guidance in collaboration with universities and companies, and involving company employees and trainees as mentors and role models. The key aims of the MINT (STEM in German) experience day encompass providing insights into STEM professions, motivating students through innovation, highlighting academic and career prospects, showcasing internships and training opportunities, and promoting STEM skills through mentoring and role models.
Trainee Day is a dynamic event designed to provide schoolgirls with exclusive insights and inspiration into the innovative world of the Adlershof science and technology park. The primary goal is to motivate young talents, encouraging them to explore their potential and become integral members of the innovative community in Adlershof. This initiative serves as a bridge, fostering a stronger connection between education and the exciting opportunities available in Adlershof. Beyond information dissemination, Trainee Day aims to inspire by offering trainees a chance to familiarize themselves with the distinctive location, network with professionals, and understand how they can actively contribute to shaping the future.
WISTA Academy – Lifelong Learning
Access to a well-trained workforce is crucial in today's competitive landscape. Recognizing the significance of personnel development for both retaining existing employees and attracting new talent, WISTA Management GmbH is making progress in enhancing its offerings for companies and institutes in the Adlershof technology park through the establishment of the WISTA Academy. This initiative aims to create inspiring working spaces and support companies in developing the skills of their staff through tailored qualification and training programs.
The WISTA Academy stands out as a valuable resource, providing courses designed to meet the specific needs and interests of learners, all conveniently located in close proximity to the workplace. This not only streamlines access to training but also contributes to the development of a skilled and motivated workforce.
Beyond the physical and innovative workspace, the WISTA Academy distinguishes itself with cutting-edge topics. Among the workshops already offered and those planned for the coming year are sessions covering artificial intelligence (AI), presentation skills for startups, pitch workshops, and keynote speeches on psychological security and sustainability.
The AI workshop dives into the basics of AI, explores the ethical considerations tied to AI and data and examines the workings of generative AI plus exploring its consequences. For startups, presentation workshops focus on confident public appearances, self-perception, effective use of expressions and gestures and shaping a distinctive personality profile.
Keynote speeches on psychological security address the foundational elements for successful diverse teams, cross-industry future skills, problem-solving abilities, creativity, entrepreneurial action, intercultural communication and resilience. These workshops do not only empower employees with essential skills but also enhance the attractiveness of employers, fostering a dynamic and innovative environment within the Adlershof technology park. The WISTA Academy emerges not just as a training ground but as a catalyst for individual and collective growth, enriching the professional landscape of Adlershof.
In an ever-changing world, with transforming values, demographic developments and rapidly advancing technology we focus on the talents. The talent with its perspective, needs and development is the starting point of our future strategy.
We are not asking the question of whether, as one example, hybrid and remote working is positive or negative, but the questions of how we can shape this new flexibilization in such a way that it has a positive influence on the employer’s motivation and output and therefore on the company’s development.
The major challenges of our time force us to think strategically in a human-centered way in the corporate context. For technology parks this means to rethink the supports for company development. We welcome the new diversity, developments and insights and shape them with positivity, creativity, tolerance and optimism.