California State University Studie zu Best Practice von Technologieparks
Adlershofer Firmen können teilnehmen
The Transnational Executive MBA Program at California State University, East Bay greatly appreciates your taking the time to respond to our Technology Park survey.
This survey was sent out on December 15, 2005, to collect information on
the success factors associated with high-technology parks worldwide.
We are very pleased with the response we received to the survey over the
holiday season and are currently compiling the results from the responses
to date. As promised, a summary of these results will be sent to those who
participated and indicated an interest in receiving these results.
On December 15, 2005 we also sent out a second similar survey to tenant
firms in various technology parks to gain a well rounded perspective.
We would greatly appreciate your assistance in distributing this tenant firm
survey to relevant individuals in tenant firms in your technology park.
Individual responses received will be kept strictly confidential. Your
cooperation in this matter would enable us to understand the key success
factors of technology parks from the perspectives of the clients in your
park and this would provide you with a better understanding of what factors
you need to emphasize when marketing your park to prospective tenants.
We will share the results of the tenant survey with you also.
To help all you need to do is forward this email message and point out
that the link to the tenant survey is at the end.
We are pleased to be able to extend the duration of the survey period
until Jan 31, 2006. We would really appreciate the opportunity to
incorporate your parks tenant firm responses and share our findings with a
wider audience. Your assistance would be very valuable to this survey and we believe you and your organization will benefit directly from the results we will be sending to the survey participants.
Thank you in advance for your time to assist us in our mutually
beneficial efforts. If you have any questions about this survey, please do
not hesitate to contact our team spokesperson Camilo Pascua (Tel.: +1
650-467-6354, Fax: +1 650-467-3238, E-mail: Cpascua(at)
GLOBUSTRAT Research Team
Transnational Executive MBA Program (TEMBA)
School of Business & Economics
California State University, East Bay