Dr. Katrin Paschke
The physicist develops compact laser systems by means of laser diodes, micro-optics and crystals
Katrin Paschke, born in 1969, studied physics at the Universities of Potsdam and Konstanz. She started her scientific career in 1998 at the Ferdinand-Braun-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (FBH) in Adlershof. In 2006, she completed her Ph.D. on high-brilliance lasers at the Technische Universität Berlin (TUB) and became already one year later head of FBH"s “Hybrid Laser Systems” group.
Her Current Research Topic:
Katrin Paschke supported by her team develops compact laser systems by means of laser diodes, micro-optics and crystals aiming to open up new applications in display technology, sensors, medical technology as well as materials processing. These systems are supposed to deliver light with high reliability up to 10 Watt optical output power in the near infrared range and 3 to 5 Watt in the visible (red, green and blue).
These light sources of the typical size of a matchbox, are maintenance-free and distinguished by precise wavelengths, direct modulation capability, power stability, low energy consumption and high reliability as well as low manufacturing costs.
All work is executed in close collaboration with regional small and medium enterprises, which are both kept informed about results at an early stage and contribute with their knowledge of the market thus specifying objectives. As a result, these activities sustainably strengthen innovations and economic power of the optical technologies in Berlin-Brandenburg.
Contact: Dr. Katrin Paschke, e-mail, tel.: +49-(0)30-6392-3955, www.fbh-berlin.de