The Adlershof Technology Park
The Adlershof Technology Park is one of the 15 largest science parks in the world. It is the most important science and business location in the capital region Berlin-Brandenburg. Covering an area of 4.6 km², it is home to renowned non-university research institutions, the mathematics and natural sciences campus of the Humboldt University and 1,330 companies and organisations with a total of around 28,000 employees and almost EUR 3.9 billion in turnover and budget funds.
The site operating company WISTA provides technology and start-up centres focusing on photonics and optics, photovoltaics and renewable energies, microsystems and materials, information technology (IT) and media, biotechnology and the environment. Established companies and start-ups benefit from special business services and support programmes.
Our Technology Fields
We are one of the leading sites for biotechnology, pharma, analytics, environmental technology and life sciences in Berlin and Brandenburg.
Science and Research Adlershof

The Humboldt University’s mathematics and science campus at Adlershof hosts the Departments for Chemistry, Geography, Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics, and Psychology as well as the interdisciplinary institutes IRI THESys and Center for the Science of Materials Berlin.
Together with the internationally renowned non-university research organisations, they form the unique Science Campus Adlershof, which accommodates over 10,000 scientists, research associates, and students.
Adlershof's key research areas: light, materials and models
- Optical sciences and microsystem technology: light matter interaction // quantum optics // laser research and technology // synchrotron radiation // UV and x-ray technology // optical technology in transport and aerospace // microelectronics and optics // photonics and optoelectronics
- Material science: materials for optics, photovoltaics, magnetic storage // molecular materials // nanomaterials // semiconductors and semiconductor materials // crystal growth // chemical analytics and catalysis
- Mathematics, computer science and applications: applied analysis // analytical and geometric structures // software technology, simulation // quantum computing // virtual reality, brain-computer interfaces // financial mathematics
Promoting young talent and skilled workers

In Adlershof, we take care of the next generation. With student labs and events such as the Long Night of the Sciences, we want to get children and young people excited about mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology, and find and promote talent. After all, learning outside of school can arouse interest in a completely different way, and curiosity often develops into a thirst for research.
At the Jugend forscht regional competition Berlin-Süd, pupils from 4th grade to 21 years of age can turn creative ideas into their own research projects. They receive support from experienced project supervisors and a competent jury of experts. The first round of the nationwide competition for young researchers takes place annually in February at the Technology Park.
Initiatives and networks have been formed to recruit and promote talented people in education and employment. The Aus- und Weiterbildungsnetzwerk Hochtechnologie (ANH Berlin) networks training companies and supports them in training and further education activities. The Fachkräftenetzwerk Adlershof supports companies and institutes in recruiting skilled workers and in securing employment and developing personnel.
The Campus Club Adlershof ensures knowledge transfer and networking. It connects researchers, engineers and students with scientific institutions and research companies and offers pupils insights into the world of research.
More information on promoting young talent and skilled workers