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Unless otherwise indicated, the pictures must be provided with this copyright notice:
© WISTA Management GmbH –
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- location partners (companies and institutions that can be proven to have their headquarters in the Adlershof development area).
In case of doubt, please contact the Communications Department of WISTA Management GmbH.
WISTA Photos
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Photos Technologiepark
Various motives
Forum Adlershof jpg (4,87 MB)Former laboratory and workshop buildings on Rudower Chaussee. Today: Communication and event centre with caféjpg (4,87 MB)
Forum Adlershof jpg (2,45 MB)jpg (2,45 MB)
BESSY II electron storage ring aerial photo jpg (3,95 MB)©WISTA.Plan GmbH/Dirk Laubner 2019jpg (3,95 MB)
BTB Thermal Power Station jpg (1,42 MB)Heat storage of the BTB's thermal power station with light installation by artist Nils R. Schultzejpg (1,42 MB)
Historical Windkanal of Deutsche Versuchanstalt für Luftfahrtforschung (DVL) jpg (1,23 MB)Aviation historical monumentjpg (1,23 MB)
Laser beam over Rudower Chaussee jpg (5,66 MB)View from the S-Bahn station to the Media City Adlershof © WISTA Management GmbH/Fotograf Valentin Pasterjpg (5,66 MB)
Laser beam over Johann von Neumann House jpg (3,66 MB)© WISTA Management GmbH/Fotograf Valentin Pasterjpg (3,66 MB)
Laser Lightbridge Adlershof jpg (5,50 MB)The laser illuminates at night from the Adlershof Innovation and Start-up Center IGZ about 3km away to Spindlersfeld. © WISTA Management GmbH/Fotograf Valentin Pasterjpg (5,50 MB)
Heads, shifting at the Forum Adlershof jpg (5,44 MB)"Kopfbewegung - heads, shifting" is a project of the artists Josefine Günschel and Margund Smolkajpg (5,44 MB)
Adlershof Technology Centers
Centre for Biotechnology and Environment I (ZBU 1) jpg (4,49 MB)Technically equipped laboratory and office space on 13,000 m² floor spacejpg (4,49 MB)
Centre for Biotechnology and Environment II jpg (4,57 MB)Laboratory building with 7,200 square meters of floor spacejpg (4,57 MB)
Centre of Biotechnology and the Environment II (ZBU 2) jpg (267,56 KB)Laboratory, production and office space on 7,200 m²jpg (267,56 KB)
Centre for Microsystems and Materials (ZMM) jpg (4,97 MB)Clean rooms, offices, physical and chemical laboratories and storage areas on 6,500 m² floor spacejpg (4,97 MB)
Centre for IT and Media Technologies (ZIM 1) jpg (506,89 KB)3,168 m² office space for media and information technology companiesjpg (506,89 KB)
Centre for Photonics and Optical Technologies (ZPO) jpg (641,43 KB)6,500 m² with office and laboratory rooms, hall for scientific experiments with large-scale equipmentjpg (641,43 KB)
Centre for IT and Media Technologies I (ZIM 1) jpg (872,77 KB)jpg (872,77 KB)
Centre for IT and Media Technologies I (ZIM 1) jpg (571,23 KB)jpg (571,23 KB)
WISTA Coworking Space
Chilled out working atmosphere: jpeg (6,65 MB)Cozy furniture invites you to take a break.jpeg (6,65 MB)
For productive meetings: jpeg (5,88 MB)One of the flexibly bookable conference rooms in the coworking space.jpeg (5,88 MB)
Humboldt Campus photos
Johann von Neumann-Haus jpg (7,46 MB)Office building, seat of the departments of computer science and mathematics of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlinjpg (7,46 MB)
Windkanal-Denkmal-Adlershof.jpg jpg (332,55 KB)jpg (332,55 KB)
Campus Adlershof JPG (2,87 MB)Forum Adlershof, Erwin Schrödinger Centre © WISTA Management GmbHJPG (2,87 MB)
Campus Science Park Adlershof jpg (6,22 MB)Humboldt University of Berlin, Departments of Computer Sciences and Mathematics at the Johann-von-Neumann-Haus buildingjpg (6,22 MB)
Campus at Night jpg (1,95 MB)jpg (1,95 MB)
HU Department of Physics jpg (1,34 MB)jpg (1,34 MB)
HU Department of Chemistry jpg (667,75 KB)jpg (667,75 KB)
Panorama photos
Adlershof Business Incubator (IGZ) Foyer jpg (582,00 KB)jpg (582,00 KB)
Aerodynamics Park jpg (1,75 MB)jpg (1,75 MB)
“Johann von Neumann” Building jpg (785,86 KB)Adlershof Business Incubator in the backgroundjpg (785,86 KB)
Campus of the Humboldt University jpg (2,93 MB)jpg (2,93 MB)
Laser above Adlershof jpg (391,75 KB)jpg (391,75 KB)
Adlershof at night jpg (402,18 KB)jpg (402,18 KB)
Long Night of the Sciences
LNdW Adlershof: Large Wind Tunnel jpg (2,70 MB)jpg (2,70 MB)
Little researchers at the microscope jpg (2,16 MB)jpg (2,16 MB)
Great Wind Tunnel Adlershof jpg (11,85 MB)jpg (11,85 MB)
Virtual Worlds jpg (3,00 MB)jpg (3,00 MB)
LNdW Adlershof: Sandbox jpg (1,94 MB)HU - Institute of Geography: "I build my own landscape", Augmented Reality Sandboxjpg (1,94 MB)
Aerial photos
[Translate to English:] Forum, Aerodynamischer Park Adlershof 2019 jpg (5,32 MB)© WISTA.Plan GmbH/Dirk Laubnerjpg (5,32 MB)
Adlershof Business Incubators jpg (297,36 KB)jpg (297,36 KB)
PARTICLES 52°.26‘.16“ 13°.32‘.51“
Photographer Simon Eichmann chose motives from the Adlershof Technology Park for his graduation project in photography. The 21 photographs from the PARTICLES series, taken on 4x5 black-and-white film, show Adlershof architecture and research facilities from an unusual perspective. Further information can be found in the Adlershof Journal
Front with solar panels at the Ferdinand Braun Institute (FBH) jpg (5,35 MB)Photo: Simon Eichmannjpg (5,35 MB)
Workers in the combined heat and power plant (BTB) jpg (4,89 MB)Photo: Simon Eichmannjpg (4,89 MB)
Storage towers and solar panels, BTB Blockheizkraftwerk jpg (5,04 MB)Photo: Simon Eichmannjpg (5,04 MB)
Layer Transfer Station Institut für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ) jpg (4,40 MB)Photo: Simon Eichmannjpg (4,40 MB)
Laser Laboratory at the Institute for Crystal Growth jpg (5,03 MB)Photo: Simon Eichmannjpg (5,03 MB)
Czochralski Facility at the Institute for Crystal Growth jpg (4,55 MB)Photo: Simon Eichmannjpg (4,55 MB)
Emil-Fischer-Haus, Institute for Chemistry, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin jpg (4,44 MB)Photo: Simon Eichmannjpg (4,44 MB)
Sound-insulated engine test bench (Aerodynamic Park) jpg (4,54 MB)Photo: Simon Eichmannjpg (4,54 MB)