Page 47 - Adlershof Special 47: Die Berliner Mischung: Adlershof hat sie! // The Berlin mixture: Adlershof´s got it all
P. 47

New spaces for                                                                            ANZEIGE	|	ADVERTISEMENT

 clever companies

 Not all the plots in the Johannisthal-Adlershof    2,000	 square	 metres.	 Residents	 and	 visitors	 should	 be
 development area are ready for marketing right   pleased	 that	 there	 will	 also	 be	 a	 café	 and	 a	 show	 bakery
 that	will	offer	courses	on	baking,	decorating,	etc.	for	adults
 from the start. Particularly along Segelfliegerdamm,
 and	children	alike.	MSW	Displays	are	also	moving	here.	They
 there was, and still is, a lot to do. In the west, on the   specialise	 in	 printed	 products,	 display	 design,	 and	 trade
 former site of VEB Medizin Geräte Berlin, the ground-  fair	stand	construction,	and	are	building	on	the	new	street
 work was quite literally being laid for small compa-  parallel	to	Walther-Huth-Straße.	“We	are	currently	talking	to
 nies. Further in the north, the area belonging to the   another	company	from	the	media	industry	about	a	plot	that
 Müller heirs is also on the verge of a breakthrough.  measures	more	than	10,000	square	metres.	If	we	can	use	the
 depth	of	the	area,	small	plots	of	2,000	square	metres	each
 can	be	cut	and	used	for	suitable	technology	companies.”
 This	is	attractive	because	there	are	hardly	any	compact	plots
 available	for	small	companies	in	the	inner	area	of	the	cam-
 pus,	never	mind	in	the	city	centre,	where	residential	infill	de-
 velopment	is	forcing	out	more	and	more	small	commercial
 units.	“It	is	therefore	important	that	Berlin	creates	more	op-
 portunities	and	makes	it	possible	for	companies	to	set	up,”
 adds	Hübener.

 Things	are	moving	as	well	on	the	waste	land	in	the	north	  Gute Absicht.  Guter Plan.
 east	corner	of	the	development	area,	which	Arthur	Müller
 placed	at	the	disposal	of	aircraft	designer.	After	years	of	un-
 certainty,	an	agreement	with	the	Müller	heirs	is	just	around	  Kennen Sie den Unterschied? Den Unterschied
 the	 corner,	 meaning	 that	 the	 last	 large	 undeveloped	 plot	  zwischen flüchtig überlegt und scharfsinnig
 of	land	will	soon	be	made	usable	again.	The	area	that	lies	   bedacht? Den Unterschied zwischen guter An-
 on	Germany’s	once	oldest	airfield,	which	was	founded	by	      fang und mehr daraus gemacht? Zwischen
 Neu am Segelfliegerdamm: Die Konditorei Engelmann, die an der    Müller	and	later	used	by	Kombinat	Kühlautomat	Berlin,	is
 Walther-Huth-Straße baut, beliefert ganz Berlin   now	at	the	heart	of	the	high-tech	location.	It	will	be	atempt-  einer Kanzlei, die auch Immobilien betreut, und
 New at Segelfliegerdamm: the confectionery Engelmann, which is building    einer Sozietät, die mit über 80 Anwälten im
 at Walther-Huth-Straße, delivers anywhere in Berlin  ed	to	retain	a	section	of	the	old	hangar.	The	refurbishment	  Bereich Real Estate eine der größten Real
 of	a	large	number	of	contaminated	and	sealed	sites	will	of
 course	prove	to	be	a	challenge,	but	this	is	something	that	   Estate-Praxen in Deutschland hat? Gut, dann
 	When	 Adlershof	 Projekt	 GmbH	 acquired	 a	 40,000	  the	Senate	and	project	developers	are	used	to.    GSK auf der EXPO REAL  wissen Sie, was den Unterschied im Bereich
 square	metre	plot	on	Walther-Huth-Straße	from	the	state	of	  in München  Immobilien ausmacht.
                     4. bis 6. Oktober 2016
 Berlin	six	years	ago,	it	did	not	look	particularly	appealing:	  Halle B2 Stand 420
 partially	 dilapidated	 huts	 made	 the	 area	 look	 quite	 bleak
 at	first	glance,	but	the	damage	that	couldn’t	be	seen	was
 even	worse:	the	groundwater	and	soil	were	contaminated.
 “A	lot	of	work	was	done	to	make	the	area	usable	again.	A	pri-
 vate	investor	probably	wouldn’t	have	got	involved,”	says	Ute	  BERLIN
 Hübener,	Head	of	Sales	at	Adlershof	Projekt	GmbH.	The	fun-  Dr. Lorenz Claussen  Dr. Christian R. Schmidt
            Mohrenstraße 42
                           Mohrenstraße 42
 damental	redevelopment	was	only	made	possible	through	  10117 Berlin   10117 Berlin
            Tel  +49 30 203907-51
                           Tel  +49 30 203907-61
 federal	funds	to	promote	regional	infrastructure	(Gemein-
 schaftsaufgabe:	Verbesserung	 der	 regionalen	 Wirtschafts-
 struktur),	which	were	released	by	the	Berlin	Senate	Depart-                         GSK. DER UNTERSCHIED.
 ment	 for	 Economics,	 Technology	 and	 Research.	 Hübener:
 “It	is	hugely	important	for	the	area	that	there	is	this	sort	of  BERLIN   FRANKFURT/M.   HAMBURG   HEIDELBERG   MÜNCHEN   BRÜSSEL   LUXEMBURG
 In	 particular,	 small	 businesses	 that	 are	 setting	 up	 around
 Segelfliegerdamm	 will	 benefit	 from	 this,	 beginning	 with	  Auch das Unternehmen MSW Displays zieht in die Walther-Huth-Straße und
 produziert dort Printprodukte, Displays und Messebauten
 confectioners	 Konditorei	 Engelmann	 who	 are	 building	 a	  MSW Displays specialise in printed products, display design, and trade fair   GSK_AZImage_Immobilien_AdlershofSpezial_175x230_4c_SP.indd   1  30.06.16   16:04
 production	facility	on	Walther-Huth-Straße	that	is	around	  stand construction and are moving to Walther-Huth-Straße as well

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