Two become one – Multi-wavelength-LUMiSizer® 65x
Higher benefit in nanotechnology and for beverage development
LUM GmbH is market leader in innovative analysers for direct and accelerated stability analysis and particle characterization of dispersions.
With the integration of two different light sources in one instrument LUM unites in the new Multi-wavelength-LUMiSizer 65x the functionality of the two single versions near- infrared (NIR) and blue LUMiSizer. The „Singles“, which enjoy a great popularity in very different application areas, remain of course in the LUM product portfolio.
The Multi-wavelength-LUMiSizer for the fast characterization of manifold separation and consolidation phenomena as well as for the quantification of separation velocity and particle size distributions according to ISO 13318 is predestined for users with changing challenges, e.g. top research institutions, universities and industrial research units. Up to now in nanotechnology two separate LUMiSizer were needed for the particle characterization of e.g. nanosilica (blue instrument), core-shell-samples, nanogold and zirconium oxide (NIR-system). Now, it is a simple selection of the wavelength 470 nm or 865 nm when creating the measurement SOP in SEPView®-software. The flexibility is further ensured by different chemically resistant measuring cells, there is no limitation regarding the dispersing phase, being a solvent, oil or water.
On the other hand, customers in industry will benefit from significantly more possible fields of application. High concentrated primary dispersions, as during early process stages (production, storage, and eventually shipment), and diluted ready-to-use suspensions and emulsions, featuring different optical properties, can be measured with this new development in just one analyser, in an effective and cost-saving manner. Typical applications include soft drinks and flavour emulsions.
With the LUMiSizer, stability tests (ISO TR 13097) are up to 5000 times faster than the traditional test-tube test, and this for 12 samples simultaneously.
This permits a stability ranking and the determination of shelf-life of original dispersions within minutes and hours instead after days, months or years. The obtained results correlate well with sample behaviour under normal storage conditions.
Here, the Multi-wavelength-LUMiSizer 65x offers the possibility for example to characterize beverage concentrates (using NIR) and ready-to-drink dilute beverage emulsions (using blue wavelength) in just one device.
As required by the application LUM provides either LUMiSizer 651 for the temperature range 4-60°C or LUMiSizer 650 for 4-40°C.
Giving hydrodynamic particle density, separation velocity distribution and particle size distribution in addition to the direct stability result, the Multi-wavelength All-in-One-Dispersion Analyser LUMiSizer® allows in an easy way the analysis and evaluation of complex industrial products.
Justus-von-Liebig-Str. 3
12489 Berlin
Tel +49-30-6780 6030