PicoQuant donates 3000 EUR to „Berlin summt!“
The money will contribute to the expansion of “Stepping Stone Habitats”

PicoQuant donates 3000 EUR to Berlin summt!, an initiative dedicated to raising awareness about urban nature among Berlin's residents and nurturing a sustainable appreciation for bees. Mariola Axmann, responsible for Human Resources at PicoQuant, presented the symbolic check to Dr. Corinna Hölzer and Cornelis F. Hemmer, the founders of Berlin summt!, on December 12.
"We are very grateful to PicoQuant for their financial support. Your donation will significantly contribute to the expansion of our Stepping Stone Habitats," expressed Dr. Corinna Hölzer. Cornelis F. Hemmer, the co-founder of the initiative, added, "Stepping Stone Habitats are 20–30 square meter natural 'islands' in residential areas that attract hungry insects and birds, creating a captivating mini-nature spectacle right at our doorstep."
The donation is a recurring initiative by PicoQuant, where employees are invited to nominate three regional charity organizations for consideration as beneficiaries. Among these initiatives, Berlin summt!, Welcome Baby Bag, and Schutzengelwerk have been nominated and selected to receive donations of 3000 EUR, 2000 EUR, and 1000 EUR, respectively, thanks to the choices made by PicoQuant employees. These contributions underscore the team's unwavering commitment to making a positive impact within their local community.
PicoQuant GmbH
Kekuléstraße 7, 12489 Berlin
+49 30 1208820-0
Press release PicoQuant, 13 December 2023