HZB strengthens its technology transfer
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin wants to bring technologies to market faster together with industrial partners
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) wants to bring technologies to market faster together with industrial partners and use its expertise in materials and energy research to investigate questions from industry in joint projects. The newly established "Technology Transfer and Innovation" department will identify cooperation partners and applications that are of industrial interest.
"The HZB has a high level of systems competence that covers the entire innovation chain from basic research to application, making it an important partner for industry and society. We want to further expand this with the new staff department," says Prof. Dr. Bernd Rech, Scientific Director of HZB for the Energy Division.
"HZB conducts research on many topics that are also of interest to industry. In addition, there is an excellent research infrastructure here, with which materials can not only be characterized in a variety of ways, but also synthesized and modified. This gives us enormous potential for cooperation with industry," says Dr. Paul Harten, head of the "Technology Transfer and Innovation" department. "We want to actively approach industry and promote these offers. We also plan to intensify contacts with former employees and guest scientists. The establishment of an ALUMNI network is an opportunity to gain existing contacts for joint new projects.
Short biography:
Dr. Paul Harten studied physics and received his doctorate in optics from the University of Arizona. He has gained a wide range of professional experience in order to advance the usability of technologies. Among other things, Harten worked in the development department of a large German corporation, in the management of a medium-sized company and was involved in the founding of several start-ups. Most recently, he worked at the Helmholtz Innovation Lab HySPRINT on industrial partnerships for the establishment of large-area laser material processing methods in various industries.
Dr. Paul Harten
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
“Technology Transfer and Innovation” department
Phone: +49 30 8062-13137
Email: paul.harten(at)helmholtz-berlin.de