CSMB-Lecture with Federico Rosei: Survival Skills for Scientists
Wednesday, 12. February 2025 // 10.00 -
Center for the Science of Materials Berlin (CSMB)
Zum Großen Windkanal 2,
12489 Berlin
Lecture hall 2.049
Prof. Dr. Federico Rosei is a professor of Industrial Chemistry at the Università degli Studi di Trieste since 2023. He has published over 440 articles, co-invented three patents, and is also co-author of the book: Survival Skills for Scientists (DOI: 10.1142/p441)
This lecture provides young scientists with the guidance and tools needed to act as their own agents and career planners, helping them navigate the many stressful phases from graduate school to permanent employment. A successful career in peer-reviewed science requires strategic planning—something performing artists often hire agents for.
In effect, this lecture is designed to equip you to act as your own agent. You will be encouraged to deeply analyze yourself to clearly understand your goals and whether they align with your desired career path. You will learn how to make informed career choices, determine when to push forward and when to compromise, and understand the unwritten rules of the scientific world. Key topics include publishing and gaining recognition, overcoming the challenges of peer review, presenting papers and posters, excelling in job interviews, and securing funding for your research.
This lecture aims to help young scientists while giving senior scientists insight into the challenges early-career researchers face today.