gfai tech GmbH

Solutions for acoustics and structural dynamics from gfai tech
gfai tech GmbH specializes in innovative products and services for the measurement and analysis of sound and vibration "Made in Germany".
Already in 2001 it introduced the first commercially usable Acoustic Camera for localization and visualization of acoustic emissions. Today we offer the most powerful and flexible acoustic imaging solution with comprehensive analysis software on the market.
- Acoustic Camera AC Pro System: special microphone arrays for different applications.
- Mobile all-in-one sound camera Mikado for easy and fast troubleshooting of sound and vibration problems.
Main applications are noise measurements to reduce noise sources, fault detection and sound design. Smallest objects from the size of a cricket up to whole industrial plants are measured in areas such as automotive, environment, energy, transportation, mechanical engineering, R&D and many more.
In the field of structural dynamics, gfai tech offers powerful vibration measurement systems for vibration measurement as well as extensive software for both vibration analysis and modal analysis.
- WaveHitMAX - the first automatic impact hammer for fully automatic single hit excitation
- WaveImage - the modal software suite for structural dynamics analysis
- WaveCam - the revolutionary software solution for vibration analysis based only on video data
As a subsidiary of Society for the Advancement of Applied Computer Science (GFaI e. V.), gfai tech GmbH has the expertise to offer unique hardware, software as well as individual customer solutions for sound and vibration analysis.