GFaI Gesellschaft zur Förderung angewandter Informatik e.V.


GFaI (Society for the Advancement of Applied Computer Science) is a private non-profit research institute in the field of applied computer science. By providing industry-related and application-oriented research and development services we support our partners and clients in their innovation tasks. When it comes to technology transfer, GFaI has an exemplary position within the German research landscape by successfully transferring innovative research results into industrial products. GFaI is also active in R&D networks.
Application-oriented research
GFaI sets its focus on solution-oriented and industry-related research. Therefore, GFaI is a perfect partner regarding cooperation or innovative projects. When it comes to technology transfer, GFaI has an exemplary position within the German Research Landscape by successfully transferring innovative research results into industrial products.
Affiliated institute
GFaI is successfully cooperating with various partners from science to industry. As an affiliated institute of the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin and the HTW University of Applied Sciences Berlin, we actively support the education and training of students. In turn, GFaI is provided direct access to the latest scientific findings.
Research associations
GFaI is a member of the following research associations:
- German Federation of Industrial Research Associations - Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen e. V. (AiF)
- German Association of Industrial Research - Deutsche Industrieforschungsgemeinschaft Konrad Zuse e. V. (ZUSE-Gemeinschaft)
- Association of Innovative Companies - Verband Innovativer Unternehmen e. V. (VIU)
- Software, Applications & Algorithms
- Image Processing
- Process Automation
- Acoustic Measurements
- 3D Data Processing
- Optical 2D / 3D Measuring Systems
- Facility Management
- Services / Studies / Training
- Hardware Development / Sensors
Research Departments
- 3D Data Processing
- Signal Processing / Acoustic Camera
- Image Processing / Industrial Applications
- Image Processing / Document Analysis
- Graph Based Engineering Systems
- Computer Aided Facility Management
- Structural Dynamics / Pattern Recognition
- Text Mining Software