BIOWORX Biotechnologielabor -Thomas Grimm-
Max-Planck-Str. 3, 12489 Berlin
+49 30 6392-1041
+49 30 6392-1042

Herr Thomas Grimm
BIOWORX offers services in the fields of contract research for customer-specific Biotransformations, the screening, isolation and production of Biocatalysts from microorganisms and plants and the Bioanalytic.
BIOWORX offers enzymes and raw extracts from microorganisms and plants for biotransformations, Further organic compounds and metabolites will be synthesized with enzymes for customer.
- Process development for microbiological and enzymatic biotransformation and synthesis,
- Biotechnological production of raw extracts and biomass (Enzymes, biological substances),
- Microbial biocatalysts for biotransformation and for cofaktorregeneration,
- Custom metabolite synthesis with enzymes from precursor substances.