bbw Hochschule

As an educational organisation, we support the regional economy and help it meet its needs when it comes to competent specialists and management staff. And it's for this reason that we offer students attractive study courses, whether as extra-occupational, dual course or full-time. We know that there are many people – even those who have completed formal qualifications like the Abitur or other matriculation examinations – who have skills and potential worth developing, for themselves, their company and for society as a whole. The bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences thus meets the demand for a higher permeability of the German educational system.
At our location in Berlin-Adlershof, we offer courses that can be studied both in the workplace and locally. The bbw Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences is the ideal link between education and career: vocational, science-based and future-oriented.
If you want to get academically-prepared for your professional future, we're your education partner.