With a yearly project volume of circa 100 million Euros, ABO Wind AG is one of Europe’s most successful developers of wind energy projects. We plan and build wind farms both domestically and internationally.
We have a staff of 190 professionals located in Germany, Spain, France, Argentina, Belgium, Ireland, Great Britain and Bulgaria. Expansion into other European countries is scheduled.
Wind Energy
ABO Wind initiates wind farm projects, acquires site locations, organizes all technical and business planning, arranges international bank financing and delivers turnkey wind farms. Up until now, ABO Wind has connected more than 303 wind energy turbines to power grids with a total capacity of 524 megawatts. (as of 4st Quarter 2011)
In the bioenergy sector, biogas plants are being planned and built.
Operational Management
In addition to managing its own projects developed after commissioning, ABO Wind takes on the commercial and technical management of wind farms on behalf of international operators.
ABO Wind manages 250 wind farms and 4 biogas plants.
ABO Wind offers investors solid investment opportunities in wind energy funds, wind farms and bioenergy projects. ABO Wind shares are traded off-market (OTC).