Page 16 - Adlershof Special 47: Die Berliner Mischung: Adlershof hat sie! // The Berlin mixture: Adlershof´s got it all
P. 16

// A magnet for new firms                                                                                                                                                                            ANZEIGE	|	ADVERTISEMENT

        Neuer Firmensitz mit Showroom: Das Unternehmen System 180 ist in Adlershof angekommen
        New company headquarters with showroom: the company System 180 has made Adlershof its home

        It	 probably	 won’t	 be	 long	 before	 EBK	 Krüger	 gains	 some	  The	media	sector	is	also	growing.	The	foundation	stone	for
        neighbours,	because	the	area	used	by	them	forms	part	of	  the	Cross	Media	Centre	(CMC)	was	laid	in	July	2016,	a	focal	  W
                                                                                                                             Wer die Zukunft gestalten möchte,er die Zukunft gestalten möchte,
        a	 plot	 covering	 100,000	 square	 metres	 on	 Groß-Berliner	  point	 for	 partnerships	 between	 companies	 and	 indepen-
                                                                                                                             muss mit innovativen Ideen begeistern.
        Damm	which	will	also	gain	access	from	the	rear	in	future,	  dent	 professionals	 from	 the	 media	 and	 communications		  muss mit innovativen Ideen begeistern.
        since	Wagner-Régeny	Straße	is	going	to	be	extended	to	the	  sector	where	creative	solutions	can	be	developed.	System
        north.	                                            180	 has	 also	 been	 added	 to	 the	 mix.	 This	 firm,	 which	 is
                                                           particularly	 active	 in	 providing	 fair	 and	 exhibition	 space,
                                                                                                                             Das neue Porsche Zentrum Berlin Adlershof.
        Ute	Hübener,	Adlershof	Projekt	GmbH’s	Sales	and	Marketing	  took	over	the	former	Ideea	hall	and	has	now	also	opened	  Das neue Porsche Zentrum Berlin Adlershof.
        Manager,	feels	that	these	examples	all	demonstrate	“that	  a	 showroom.	 In	 order	 to	 allow	 even	 more	 firms	 from	 the	 	  Die Faszination und Exklusivität der Marke Porsche wird im neuen Porsche Zentrum Berlin Adlershof ab d im neuen Porsche Zentrum Berlin Adlershof ab
                                                                                                                             Die Faszination und Exklusivität der Marke Porsche wir
        small,	high-class	firms,	that	suit	the	location,	are	showing	  media	sector	to	set	up	shop	here,	a	change	has	been	made
                                                                                                                             2017 eindrucksvoll spürbar. Mit einem 25 Meter hohen Pylon zur Erzeugung von Solarstrom setzen wir . Mit einem 25 Meter hohen Pylon zur Erzeugung von Solarstrom setzen wir
        increasing	interest	in	Adlershof”.	In	her	opinion,	this	is	due	  to	the	zoning	rules	for	the	area,	and	as	a	result,	the	concept	  2017 eindrucksvoll spürbar
                                                                                                                             als eines der modernsten Porsche Zentren in Europa ein weithin sichtbares Zeichen für Nachhaltigkeit. en in Europa ein weithin sichtbares Zeichen für Nachhaltigkeit.
        to	 the	 forward-looking	 collaboration	 between	 the	 Senate	  of	 media	 is	 now	 understood	 more	 clearly	 than	 before	 to	 	  als eines der modernsten Porsche Zentr
        Administration	 departments	 for	 Urban	 Development	 and	  reflect	present-day	realities.                           Denn nicht nur in puncto Fahrzeugtechnik und Design führt uns der Weg immer zu einem Ziel: in die Zukunft. zeugtechnik und Design führt uns der Weg immer zu einem Ziel: in die Zukunft.
                                                                                                                             Denn nicht nur in puncto Fahr
        Business,	which	enabled	the	location’s	development	to	get
        off	the	ground	using	funds	from	the	State	of	Berlin	as	well	as	  These	are	just	some	of	the	marketing	successes	that	show
        federal	funds	to	promote	regional	infrastructure	(“Gemein-  the	appeal	that	Adlershof	has	for	firms	of	many	different
        schaftsaufgabe:	Verbesserung	 der	 regionalen	 Wirtschafts-  kinds.	More	companies	will	soon	be	opening	here	–	after	all,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Porsche Zentr
        struktur”,	 a	 national	 German	 programme	 for	 this).	 Even	  Ute	Hübener	and	her	team	still	have	publicly	owned	plots	to	                                                                      Porsche Zentren in Berlinen in Berlin
        in	difficult	times,	the	temptation	has	been	resisted	to	sell	 	  offer	to	firms	that	fit	Adlershof’s	profile.                                                                                        www
        plots	at	any	price,	i.e.	to	firms	that	would	not	fit	in	with	the

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