Page 11 - Adlershof Special 47: Die Berliner Mischung: Adlershof hat sie! // The Berlin mixture: Adlershof´s got it all
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// Rudower Chaussee: a good mix ANZEIGE | ADVERTISEMENT
Pünktlich zum Herbst-
semester fertiggestellt:
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Ready right on time for
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“Medienfenster“ with
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153 student apartments were completed in summer 2016 in Berlin-Brandenburg State Laboratory, due to be finished
the “Medienfenster” on Rudower Chaussee, near the S-Bahn by 2019, on the corner of Wegedornstraße. At the junction
station. The row of outlets on the ground floor increases the with James-Franck-Straße, the “Campus am Oktogon” is
spectrum of local shops, which now includes a laundrette growing steadily, an immobilien-experten-ag project for
and a bike shop, for example. In autumn 2017, an Asian what are known as OfficeLabs – combinations of office and
restaurant overlooking the oak grove will be added to the production spaces.
mix in NUBIS, PROJECT Immobilien’s new office building
next to the S-Bahn station. This project will include a total Together with non-profit building cooperative Steglitz eG,
of 17,400 square metres of office space in three construc- project developer Kondor Wessels has laid the foundation
tion phases. ID&A Immobilien is also getting ready for two stone for the VivaCity project, which is a shining example of
further construction phases for its “Air Campus” project. As the new Adlershof mix. On Eisenhutweg, the continuation
part of this development, the existing office building will of Rudower Chaussee, an innovative ensemble is appear-
be extended into both Rudower Chaussee and Straße am ing. As well as the cooperative housing, it includes a kinder-
Studio, creating a total of 6,600 square metres of new office garten, a nursing home, sheltered housing, and a day-care
and retail space. centre. There will also be a supermarket and bakery, meeting
a heartfelt wish of the residents of the neighbouring area.
Nearby, EUROPA-CENTER AG has completed the third con-
struction phase of its office complex. A division of Deutsche The most spectacular new construction, though, will take
Bahn that formerly had its offices in the business sector shape on the western side of the S-Bahn station. In spring
on Groß-Berliner Damm has become the complex’s anchor 2016, the Adlershof Projekt carried out a tendering process
tenant. EUROPA-CENTER AG is also planning a small-scale there for what is a prime plot of almost 24,000 square
office building of a high architectural standard in keeping metres; a particular highlight is the planned 54-metre
with its location next to the Adlershof Forum. The firm has tower. Interest from investors was particularly high. As Signature Capital GmbH
also built a car park, which is another sign of Adlershof’s UteHübener was delighted to note: “Ten years ago, we Zoofenster
growth as an urban district, because finding a place to park wouldn’t even have imagined we might get ten applica- Hardenbergstraße 27
on the street is no longer as easy as it was in earlier years. tions for this plot.” Here, an OfficeLab campus, a modern 10623 Berlin
congress and conference hotel with a rooftop bar and +49 30 318 049 20
There is plenty going on at the western end of Rudower function rooms for up to 1,000 delegates, as well as a gym,
Chaussee, too. One visible sign of this is the 25-metre restaurants and shops are developed. Already one thing
solar pylon on the plot where the Porsche centre is is palpable: In the years to come, Rudower Chaussee will
being built. A subsidiary of Hochtief is building the new change its appearance drastically yet again. 160606 Aderlshof Special Signature Capital Anzeige_175x230.indd 1 06.06.16 15:09
10 Adlershof special 47 Adlershof special 47 11